Pixter® Production

We edit your travel videos for free

You are going on vacation, on a weekend or simply you want to edit a video for your social networks, send your rushes to production@pixter.fr we will edit your video for free.

Instant tips

Some tips for having a great video!

In order to take your shots in the best possible way, be sure to respect the following points:

  • Think about the narration of your video. What do you want to tell through your images?
  • Don't film everything you see. Select the best moments and the most interesting scenes for your video. Less is more!
  • Pay attention to the light. Shoot in good light, especially during daylight hours.
  • Remember to film wide shots that show the landscapes and places you are visiting, as well as tight shots of interesting details.
  • Take original and creative shots. Use unexpected angles or film using camera movements to add dynamics to your video.