
Immerse yourself in the world of travel photos with Pixter®.

Discover exotic destinations, inspiring adventures and moments captured to perfection. Join us for a unique visual journey.

Que faire au Panama ?

Que faire au Panama ?

Bienvenue sur mon récit de mon récent voyage au Panama, une destination qui m'a ébloui avec sa beauté naturelle, sa culture vibrante et ses aventures sans fin. Bocas del Toro : immersion dans l'île...

TravelQue faire en Grèce ?

Our epic in Greece, what have we done?

If you are looking for a destination for your next vacation, Greece should definitely be at the top of your list. Athens, the Greek capital, is a fascinating city, rich in history and culture. I ha...

TravelItinéraire au Nicaragua

My trip to Nicaragua: adventures, volcanoes in a backpack.

Our trip to Nicaragua started off on a rough note. Due to poor coordination between two buses, we found ourselves forced to sleep on the roadside. With no hotels nearby, sandwiched between two vil...


My unforgettable trip to Mexico

Discover an exceptional journey in Mexico through our travel blog, exploring the wonders of Yucatan. Find tips on what to do in Mexico and follow our itinerary for an unforgettable adventure.

TravelQue faire au Guatemala ?

My adventure in Guatemala: Climbing Acatenango and discovering the rich wilderness

I recently returned from Guatemala, where I spent a few days exploring the natural and cultural wonders of this incredible country. From a melting volcano to the colorful rivers of Semuc Champey, t...

TravelMon voyage photos à Marrakech : que faut-il voir ?

My photo trip to Marrakech: what should you see?

I've been waiting for this trip for a while. I have always dreamed of going to Morocco. Meet Arab culture and its customs, walk in the desert, eat good tagines, and visit a country full of histo...

TravelQue faire au Japon ?

My trip to Japan: an unforgettable experience!

With its majestic temples, its Zen gardens, its tasty gastronomy and its welcoming people, Japan is a true treasure to discover. In this blog, I will take you through my escapades in different Japa...

TravelNotre Sélection du Mois de Juin : Les Plus Belles Photos Prises sur Smartphone

Our June Selection: The Most Beautiful Photos Taken on Smartphones

At the end of each month, find a selection of our favorite photos, taken by the Pixter community with our smartphone lenses! 💛

TravelNotre Sélection Des Plus Belles Photos Macro Prises Sur Smartphone

Our Selection of the Most Beautiful Macro Photos Taken on Smartphones

Here is our selection of the most beautiful photos taken by the Pixter community with their smartphone macro lens ❤️.